The Rights of Pet Allergy Sufferers when Traveling on Airplanes

Pet AllergiesThis is an interesting article on travelers who are allergic to pets and their rights to comfort when traveling in the cabin of an airplane. Click here to see the article . The author makes a good point about passenger rights when it comes to animals not traveling in a carrier such as service animals or emotional support animals.

The article did not mention the concessions that Air Canada has made for folks that are allergic to pets. This airline address the issue at the time of reservations, not when the aircraft is ready for take off. Air Canada will ban dogs or cats on planes without HEPA filters when a passenger with an allergy to dogs or cats is on board. If the dog is a service animal, priority will be given to the first reservation made. On planes with HEPA filters, a five row buffer zone between a pet and the passenger with allergies will be established in the aircraft.

With the increase of animals traveling in the cabin, those who cannot be exposed to pet allergens should work with the airlines at the time of reservation to ensure they are not seated in close proximity to animals. This is an issue that may surface over time as the airlines try to accommodate those passengers on both sides of the fence.


The Rights of Pet Allergy Sufferers when Traveling on Airplanes — 185 Comments

  1. I am willing to join a class action against airlines that allow pets in the cabin when passengers make known that they are severely allergic to animals. I am likely to have an asthma attack if I am in proximity to an animal. Some animals have stronger odors than others, and I don’t discern which pets may or may not trigger serious attacks. This is not just a discomfort issue, but a possible flight diversion concern. I resigned a position that required frequent travel as the country turned crazy about animals accompanying travelers. There should be allergen-free flights for which travelers can travel without worrying about a hospital stay. I hope someone will get in touch with me to join forces to prevent my world from being limited due to the presence of animals.

  2. All I hear is a bunch if whinning about dog allergy. Some dogs dont have fur they have hair like you..Are you allergic to your hair.Better shave it off.For your information people teaveling with ESD have paid for a ticket too and how the hek does that person no everyones allergys. Have you ever sat next to a stinky Foreigner who don’t believe in showers or someone who didn’t brush their teeth that day what’s the difference should they be banned 2? Next people be complaining about what people are wearing on the plane now I can’t sit next to that person because I don’t like the color of that shirt Sounds like a bunch of whiny babies who are only concerned about themselves. That’s what’s wrong with this world especially our country but the squeaky wheel always gets the grease. Ever thought about taking the train or maybe just stay at home cuz I sure wouldn’t want to sit next to you and listening to you want to just because someone had to bring their dog with them on a flight I could not believe I came in to this site and read all this about little dogs man’s best friend good luck have a great life to all you who have a problem with people with dogs please don’t fly anymore

  3. What’s the answer. My last two flight ruined by dogs next to me. Why not make the person who has to have an animal schedule ahead of time and have specific flights that are “pet friendly” and let the rest of us that are paying for flight do so without risk of becoming sick… or frankly disgusted. I see people who claim they need the animal to calm them down spending most of the flight reassuring the animal and trying to keep it under control. Today, I was told to store my water bottle for take off (row 2) and the person sitting in row 1 (isle) was allowed to have her dog standing – sitting – twisting and turning without a care? COME ON! I’d join the class action suit…

  4. I am willing to join a class action law suit against airlines that allow dogs in the main cabin. I report my asthma to the airlines when I make the reservation but still I am seated next to people with dogs. On American Airlines they don’t even have to be in kennels.
    If it is a large cabin and only one dog, I can manage but on the smaller flights I will invariable need to seek medical treatment which can cost as much as $500.

  5. I have severe dog allergies, I’ve gotten anaphylaxis before from them. Everyone brings thier dogs everywhere with them in dog carriages and in regular carts with little towels for the dog. Most don’t care about people’s allergies and would rather not leave thier dog alone home or in the Fra with air conditoning, they treat them like children. They claim to stores it’s a service dog and the emotional support dogs aren’t service dogs according to the justice department and ADA “Animals whose sole function is to provide emotional support, comfort, therapy, companionship, therapeutic benefits, or to promote emotional well-being are not service animals.” I complained once to Costco about an dog that wasn’t a service dog and the manager’s response was that I shouldn’t go shopping or leave my house then. I understand about service dogs and the truth of the matter is that 99% of people who have a service dog out with them do have a vest on because it’s a signal to people NOT to touch or interact with the dogs as they are working and CANNOT be distracted. I recently googled service dogs and links came up to register your dog as a service dog legal in all states. However according to ADA accommodations have to be made for both people.nif peanuts are banned because of peanut allergies so can dogs because the right to breathe, to stay alive, is a necessity to living.

  6. Last year I travel to the Caribbean via American Airlines. We had two small dogs, in cages, under our seats. My daughter is very allergic to pets. It started affecting her two minutes after the dog owners place them under the seat. This were not service dogs they are calling it emotional support dogs. When I spoke to the flight attendant I and told her about my daughter allergies they told me there was nothing they could do that the flight was full. After my daughter started crying from the inching someone on the flight took the initiative and change sits with her. After the lady sat for two minutes and smell the dog defecating she apologize and told me she could not stay because of the smell. A second lady then came forward and help us so my daughter could move. I had to endure the smell all of the flight (what about my rights to a comfortable flight) All over the internet I am reading about rights of the disable vs rights of the allergy suffers. We should all have the same rights. Airlines should be able to ask upfront if you have any pet allergies so they don?t sit you near a passenger with a dog. If this can?t be done then who ever reserves the sit first should be accommodated first. This provides equal rights and fairness. When I call American Airlines to complaint they blame the government for not regulating more the certificates provided so you can travel with your ?emotional support dogs?. I am not talking about the services dogs. Service dogs are well trained and that is why the cost so much money.

  7. A service dog does not poop indiscriminately. “Real” service dogs and handlers are taught rules and public access etiquette. Dogs are toileted before entering facilities EVERY time they enter a new establishment, even if they were offered the opportunity to relieve themselves a few minutes before. The problems are with ignorant, selfish people who present their “pets” as a service animal, buying fake IDs and vests off off of the Internet. If you have ever seen a “real” service
    dog, you would immediately know the difference. Yes, the ADA ( American Disability Act) protects the rights of the disabled, but sadly no documentation from a federal entity is required.
    Fakes make it doubly difficult for disabled…disabled and discriminatory toward the animal that makes daily life bearable. A pox on the FAKES!

  8. I am flying on a new airline from a new airport and there is this large dog with a guy in line also. Dog poops on the floor, guy looks down, line moves, so does he. When I asked the tsa agent he said OH IT’S A SERVICE DOG. Um, don’t they need to have some identification? And how does that excuse the ignoramus that just left asteaming pile of poop on the floor? And what happens if he poops on the plane? 2 hours on a plane with dog poo. And the fact that I’m scaredto death off large dogs? To bad. Well reconsider this airline/airport…

  9. You are not alone. Asthma induced by allergies to pet dander is far more common than most people realize. Asthma is a serious respiratory illness with symptoms that can range from a minor nuisance to a life-threatening attack. I have lived with this condition for almost 50 years and while medications have improved, there simply is no cure other than to avoid exposure to the triggers (pet dander). I too have virtually given up on traveling due to the severe discrimination I encounter by poorly educated people. The ADA regulations are extremely discriminitory to those of us who suffer from asthma induced pet allergies.

  10. I have basically had to stop traveling by plane because of so much priority being given to pets and no deference at all to humans struggling to breathe. I get sick for days after being in planes with people’s dog or cat or both–usually there is more than one per flight these days–regardless of the airline, time of day, etc. that I have traveled on. Nothing against animals except that being near them makes my throat almost completely close up, which then gives me headaches due to lack of oxygen for hours, and it starts a cascade of other allergic reactions such as production of mucous in my nose, which the dry plane air then dries, so I have to do mouth breathing and my throat is almost closed. This all makes breathing extremely difficult during these planerides, and for days afterwards I cannot do much, recovering. It has ruined the purpose of several trips. I advocate for human health above animals on airplanes. Ridiculous. And I agree on the ticks, diseases comments on here. Selfish dog owners and cat owners who bring them on planes put us all at risk. I can understand an occasional blind traveler but this exception has swallowed the rule and now you can expect always to be traveling with several animals on these hazardous and easily lethal planetrips. I literally and coughing in order to breathe when I fly now. I travel first class so that at least I am in a leather or pleather seat which absorbs less dander, but they tend to put pet owners and their pets either right behind me in the front of coach or elsewhere in first class, so I’ve had to stop travelling. Sad since I’ve been traveling by plane to see relatives since I was a baby and am now 44. We used to fly back when it was very expensive, and I was part of the Junior Jet Club. Animals were always in cargo back then. Never saw one on a plane. It makes me soooo angry with all of the work time and money lost any time I take a flight and being completely wiped out for days after each flight. Complaining to the airlines has done no good at all. Now they want dogs sniffing us in the airports also. I emailed Jason Chavetz, the congressman behind that years ago, which maybe slowed it down, but now it’s here. I’m so sick of animals. That’s fine if people need them at home or love them or have them instead of or in addition to their children. I don’t care. Don’t make me be around them. It’s harmful to me. Have come to resent dogs, even though it’s the owners, not the pets, who are fully to blame and are culpable. I guess it will take a death before people wake up and stop being so heartless and selfish. So sad. I am so SICK, literally, of this. It’s too far to drive to see my aging parents. I’m sick of having to give up so much (time being sick) to come and see them due to cats and dogs of people who do NOT need to fly with them.

  11. I took a plane from Malpensa airport Italy to Newark, New Jersey yesterday. I have severe allergies to many things and recently took allergy testing and found out I’m highly allergic to dogs among many other things including many food allergies. Prior to the plane ride I
    met a woman in the bathroom with a dog we chatted and I really love animals but was a little concerned about her dog being on the flight but I had no idea that I would react as severe as I did on the plane.I sat down within 10 minutes I started to cough and wheez and knew immediately I was having a reaction to the dog and it was triggering an asthma attack. It was so severe they called a doctor on board the plane to see if my throat was going to possible close up. They made the pilot awake that I was having issues breathing and they told me if it was nessessary they were gong to land the plane for me to get medical help. The doctor thought I would be ok but I suffered the entire 8 hours and 30 minutes on that plane. I vomited 3x from coughing so bad wheezed couldn’t breathe thank god I had all my medications and I took benedral which my doctor told me to keep on me at all times. As a person with severe allergies I don’t think pets should be on board many people suffer from asthma and severe allergic reactions to pets. I love animals very much but a person being able to breathe should come first. This lady who had the dog claimed it was a service dog why can’t these animals be put in another area to keep people on board safe ? I understand there are blind people who need their dogs and people with seizures have dogs to help them. The airlines should also let people know and ask do u have allergies to animals ? For the people saying that the animal and the person can sit far away from each other that doesn’t work in a closed airplane they recirculate the air so the dander flys around in the vents and I doubt that those vents have any type of good filters. I didn’t touch the animal and sat far away and still had this happen. I’m still sick from this incident and I do plan on calling United airlines about this happening to me. I paid for my seat too and I think I shouldn’t be exposed to something such as a dog that could possibly stop me from breathing and kill me while flying in a plane.

  12. I agree that planes should be a free zone for all humans to travel on. What’s more….allergens aside….cats and dogs carry ticks (and other parasites/diseases) that can be transmitted to humans on flights. If you’ve never had a tick or a disease transmitted via an animal, you are lucky…. but please don’t even think of putting the rest of us in harm’s way by allowing an animal in a shared public space. We all pay taxes or we’ve paid for the luxury to ride in that airplane FREE from allergens and diseases. We are a civilized society and we need to always ensure the safety and health of each human in our midst. I would hope the airlines smarten up on this one and stop allowing these animals on board.

  13. This is so dumb. If you have a fear of flying that requires a DOG or CAT of all things to keep you sane you should be driving, training, or bussing it. That is the more ignorant of the two here. People have allergies, and planes were forever a pet free zone. People with allergies were raised knowing planes are a safe place for them, but suddenly they are not. You now you are solving one groups problem (fear of flying) to create problems for several groups of people (people with fear of cats, fear of dogs, allergic to dogs, allergic to cats).

    You tell people with allergies “just take your medicine then” or “sit far away from them then”, but people with flying fears are told “Oh, just bring your cat/dog then!”. Four groups are being told you suck it up while the one group is told they will be catered to. What happened to the days of “you need a job, but are allergic to ______? I would offer you one, but I run a ______ factory, so you would die”? Now it’s “I need a job, but am allergic to your product. Make it safe for me to work there” *goverment forces them to accomodate*.

    I own two dogs, and would never travel by plane with them because:
    a) I would feel terrible having them in cargo
    b)not allowed in the cargo space with them
    c)I know fairness of my rights, I am given the ability to own dogs knowing it doesn’t mean they can come everywhere with me even though I want them to, so I DRIVE places with them so I can be with them the entire time.

  14. I feel like I am traveling in a kennel. One flight had 5 dogs and 3 cats on it. It’s not so easy to avoid them as if you get to chose your seat on the plane you can’t be sure a dog won’t be next to you. People often let their animals out of containers and ride on the seat, leaving the next unsuspecting passenger sitting in hair or slobber. I think I am going to bring my chickens and pet skunk on the next plane. “. Oh don’t worry, my skunk wouldn’t spray anyone!”

  15. It would be nice, if like hotels, airlines would reserve a couple of flights each day for pets to travel, and those same airplanes that are used for pets are not used for non pet flights. There are not many animals that travel, and I am sure their owners would be satisfied to travel on reserved flights, maybe even allow larger dogs to travel in their own seat if purchased. I know a lot of folks who would travel with big dogs if allowed, and most big dogs I know are better trained and better behaved than the small under the seat dogs that are common. As it is, I have to take an antihistamine before any flight nowadays. Even if there are no animals on the plane, their remains are in the fabric and carpets and air filters, and no airline thoroughly cleans a plane or changes the air filters between every flight. So I suffer, sedated by the drugs, to reduce my allergy symptoms. People who have therapy animals could likewise take a heavy dose of a psychiatric medicine to reduce thier anxiety instead of having their phobic companion animal with them in the cabin, but they are not required to, so their medical condition trumps mine.

  16. I think this is ridiculous. I was just on a flight and I have terrible allergies to cats….I didn’t expect people to be so inconsiderate and emotionally unstable that they need to bring their damn cat on a plane. A 6hour flight in a confined space with an animal…. If you’re that emotionally unstable…you shouldn’t be 30,000 feet in the air …
    People should be more important than some animals. They’re PETS. I’m
    So pissed because it’s been three days and my allergies are still irritating me…even after buying some allergy meds….( yes they’re THAT bad) im so pissed because this “mentally unstable” selfish “I just want my pet” traveler just put me and any others with legitimate allergies in serious health risks…
    Thank god I had my inhaler on the plane. If I could sue the airline and all the idiots that think bringing these things on planes, I would. Well I wouldn’t …but I’m pretty angry about it lol.

  17. It’s important for both sides to be respected. To the person who wrote about service dogs being an exception, why? What makes them different from an emotional support dog or a paid dog? Dogs with hair offer very little if at all any danger to people with pet allergies. These allergies usually come from the dander from the fur or from the dogs saliva. I received an email from the department of transportation which stated, ” allergies are not considered a disability”. So for those of you trying to use it as a disability and expect pet owners to sit far away from you, you and I and everyone else reading this knows, your thinking only of your needs and not those of others.
    It’s time for all of us to start considering each other. If I had an allergy to a dog and a dog was on my flight, I would make sure I was seated far enough away as to not put myself in danger. Funny, because most people would expect others to move away from them. That’s what I call selfish. My allergy is no ones issue and responsiblity but my own. Same goes for a pet except there are seat restrictions for pets. Let’s not make our personal issues other people’s problems. It’s time for us to take ownership for ourselves.

  18. Common sense should prevail. Put the animals in cargo. People first. It’ll take a death unfortunately for legislation to be enacted with a subsequent law suit to force the airline’s hand. Ridiculous that animals take priority……

  19. Gwen – JetBlue, American, United, Delta, WestJet, Lufthansa, KLM, Air France all allow small dogs and cats to travel in the cabin.

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